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This utility is used as an Additional Fix Alarm destination. The Alarm2SMS.EXE will read the standard fix alarm ques and filter alarms. Then reformat them in a compact format suitable for reading on a handset.
- FIX System message
- COMMS alarm messages (pull the modbus cable & you get 1000's of ?????)
- Alarm stat = OK (opposite of CFN) this I added to this new version. Please note that COS(the default) alarms still report both HI & LOW changes.
We recomend that when using this utility you configure your system to generate the minimum alarms required by the application. It is advisable to setup your alarms as follows
Alarm2SMS.EXE is a 32bit console application where its configuration is set using commandline parameters normally from a batchfile or a DOS Box command line.
Usage : Alarm2SMS COMx=[baud,parity,bits,stopbits] SERVICE=+nnn
[DEST=+xxx,y,z,d,f,g;] OR "FILE=csv.CSV"
IMPORTANT : there must be no spaces except between parameters
COM sets the serial port, you can omit the parameters for an IR link;
SEVICE is the SMS service centre number, for most phones you can omit this;
if the Number is programmed into the SIM card, for Nokia handsets always set
this parameter;
DEST is the alarm destination where;
xxx - is destination mobile number;
y - is a list of plant areas active for this destination eg ABC;
z - is the alarm priority (H,M,L) active for this destination eg. M will receive
Medium & High Priority Alarms. L will receive all;
d - is the delay (s) before send, allowing >1 alarms per SMS to reduce SMS's
You may have upto 32 DEST parameters
f - If set to 'F' full alarm messages else description field only
g - A Fix Tag that can be used to Enable or disable the sending of alarms
csv - a CSV text file containing the destination handset parameters (upto 30)
COM2=9600,n,8,1 SERVICE=+27829129 DEST=+27832535172,AD,H,30,F
this sends all High priority alarms in Plant areas A&D to +27832535172 and
all High priority alarms in Plant areas B&C to +27826535172
COM2=9600,n,8,1 SERVICE=+27829129 FILE=ALM2SMS.CSV
Name,Number,Alarm Areas,Priority,Delay time,Full or Short,Enable Tag
The SMS2Alarm Utility provides 2 message formats:
The "FULL" format is configured if the last parameter of the
"DEST" setting is an ",F".
state>;<Value>;<Description><New line>
The Abreviated format is configured if the last parameter is omitted or NOT
<D/HH:MM>;<Description><New line>
Which ever format you use, the number of alarms per SMS is limited by the 160 character limit of SMS.
To do this simply make a text entry box addressing the "A_DESC" field of a DI block that is in manual mode. The operator types a messge (to use more than 40 chars use more DI blocks). Create an associated "Send" button with a script that momentarily forces the DI block into alarm. Another option may be to provide several buttons that send predefined messages like "Call Control room now".
This will depend on how popular this application is, your comments are welcome
Some people may feel that the Console mode program is Low tech & not very pretty.
Some handsets only support PDU mode transfers, eg Ericsson SH888 We may add this in furure